Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is also called online marketing, and refers to and and all marketing efforts that occur on the internet.

Businesses take advantage of various digital channels that include social media, email, websites, search engines, and other websites to connect with current and prospective customers.  This also includes communication using text or various multimedia messages.

Digital marketing is vital for any business to reach customers and to build brand awareness.  These days almost every business  has a website.   Some good, some bad!  And if they don't have a website, they have some kind of social media presence or some minimum digital media strategy.

Digital content and marketing is everywhere and is so common that consumers now expect and in fact rely digital media as a way to learn about products, services and brands.

Because digital marketing has so many options and strategies it can be very confusing, intimidating and overwhelming.  However, it is also affordable and you can get creative, experiment with a variety of marketing tactics on a budget.

Digital marketing is defined by the use of numerous digital tactics and channels to connect with customers where they spend much of their time: on their phones, tablets, computers...  but always online.

iQJEM  along with other experienced and knowledgeable digital marketers have a clear picture of how various digital marketing campaign work and supports their clients or customers goals.

And depending on a businesses goals, professional digital know which marketing strategy will work and marketers can support a larger campaign through other free and paid channels at their disposal.

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A sign that says full service advertising agency on it
An angry baby with the words fire your website you 're fired
A canon camera is shown with the words professional photography above it
A hand holding a globe with the words digital marketing above it
A video camera with the words video creation above it
A puzzle with the words social media management on it
A conference room with a large screen that says iqjem on it
A group of cell phones are displayed with the words mobile marketing above them
A speedometer with the word leads on it
A row of computer monitors with the words streaming video above them
A picture of a drone with the words drone video and pics above it
A computer screen with the word idea on it
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