The Best Side Hustle You've Never Heard Of!

Looking For A New Career

(or powerful side hustle?)

Become A Territory Owner With The Movement

If you can invest between $500 to $3,000 a month

You Can Start Generating A Full Time Income

In just 30 to 60 Days!


NOT Affiliate Marketing

It's Like Nothing You've Ever Seen Before!

What Does The Business Entail?

  • Share The Movement App With Local Business Owners & College Students
  • Share Different Programs With Business Owners That Will Generate More Business For Their Business!
  • Share Programs With Student Organizations & Clubs, That They Can Use As Fund Raisers!
  • Show Students How They Can Generate Credits When They "Post", "Like" & "Share"!
  • And more opportunities will come in the future!

Your Territory Will Be Based On A College Campus Near You. (The bigger the school the better)

You'll hire local college students to help you call on local businesses and contact student organizations

Want To Know More?

Let's Talk Business:

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